This year, the art market as a whole has been sluggish. Apart from individual items, the prices of most of the bloodstone seals and carvings have fallen. Compared to the high prices from the end of last year to the beginning of this year, the drop in bloodstone has exceeded 30%, and transactions have been made. The volume has also declined...

The decline in the market volume and price of Changhua Bloodstone has been more than 2,000 years old. In recent years, with the increase of collections and demand, the price of bloodstone has risen and become the darling of the auction market. In 2007, a famous carving master Niu Kesi carved "Changhua chicken blood stone pavilion Hill" in the Beijing Hanhai autumn auction with 13.44 million yuan transactions; 2011 Xiqiao spring shoot, a bloody Bahrain blood stone ornaments to 1207.5 Million transactions. However, since the beginning of this year, the low-end bloodstone market has experienced volume and price declines. In response, Yang Hua, a bloodstone collector, said: “Some people say that bloodstone has increased 10 times in three years. In fact, this argument is suspected of speculation. Only rare species such as “Da Hong Pao” have seen a substantial increase in value, and those ordinary bloodstone market The prices did not appear to have skyrocketed, but rather flat growth, and this year, the art market as a whole was in a sluggish state. In addition to individual boutique products, most of the bloodstone prices fell, compared with the high prices from the end of last year to the beginning of this year. The drop in bloodstone has exceeded 30%, and the trading volume has also declined.In particular, good quality soapstone is in the possession of collectors. When the market is in a downturn, most of them will not easily take a wait-and-see attitude. In fact, these years The quality and quality of the boutique bloodstone are all worse than before, but on the other hand, the price is still high, which is unreasonable, and now you also want to buy some high-end soapstone seals, which may be a bit late for ordinary collectors. ."

"As a variety of investment, the realization of bloodstone is more difficult." Yang Hua told reporters, "The purpose of the investor's collection is to sell for cash after several years, but there must be suitable buyers for private transactions, and the price after bargaining is often unsatisfactory. The auction is currently the main way to achieve the realization of bloodstone, but when the market is in the doldrums, the outflow rate is high."

Counterfeit tactics are also "innovation"

Because of the scarcity of resource prices, in recent years, a variety of trickery has also emerged. "The market is full of fake stones." Mr. Wu, a distributor of soapstone, told reporters, "The more common methods of counterfeiting include mosaic dyeing, dipping, and sticking. Inlaid dyeing refers to the selection of better Changhua bloodstone seals. The surface was dug out of some deep and shallow pits, then embedded with red mercury, then polished and waxed after being naturally dried. However, this mosaic-printed soapstone has a hard color and is not layered. It is relatively easy. There are also certain Changhua stones that will have no blood color, smeared with mercury, dried and painted with red pigment, then dried and then dipped in a resin. Aging, easy yellowing of the epidermis."

"There is a real fake - resin synthesis method. Counterfeiters use mineral rock powder, plastic, resin and red paint, artificially made of soapstone lines, and then after a high temperature, high pressure, grinding, polishing, a realistic bloodstone The seal was made, and the resin-synthesized soapstone was very similar to the original one, so even experienced collectors could hardly distinguish the authenticity. Of course, the resin-saturated heliotrope was not completely unidentifiable because of its special chemical composition. Therefore, when burning, it will have a taste and will change color." Mr. Wu said that even in the origin, some of the original scrap, waste materials also serve as good bloodstone in the sale, and some fake stone on industrial paint posing bloodstone, and even The crushed stone powder was added to the industrial dye to mold the fake one.

“The real stone veneer method is an innovation for the counterfeiters. The counterfeiters cut the six faces of the real bloodstone into six thin faces, wrapped in ordinary stones, and polished the lines and gluing lines. A piece of stone can be broken into a lot of bloodstone seals." Mr. Wu said that after pseudo-bloodstone treated by the skin-peeling method, the blood color is natural, and the distribution of the texture is characteristic of natural heliotrope, which is very difficult to distinguish. “When you identify, you should carefully observe the four interfaces above and below to see if the lines at the interface can be connected. To maximize profits, counterfeiters often use a cutting surface with a stone, and the attractive blood color can only stay on one plane. ."

“The splicing fake method is mostly found on large-scale bloodstone carvings. It is difficult to see large-scale hematite raw materials, coupled with exquisite carving, so the price is relatively expensive. The counterfeiters will inject the bloody part of the bloodstone into the large stone. Large bloodstone ornaments deceive collectors. When distinguishing large-scale bloodstone ornaments, it is possible to observe whether their lines are natural and reasonable,” said Mr. Wu.

Aesthetics should first look at the similarities between blood and jade, and most of the bloodstone collectors are "heavy stone does not re-engrave." Since ancient times, bloodstone has been used mainly for the production of seals, followed by carving crafts, in addition to the original stone appreciation. For this phenomenon of "heavy stone does not re-engrave," Yang Hua said: "First, the raw material of bloodstone is small, especially the raw materials with good texture and color are often small. Therefore, it is based on the production of seals; the material is good and the volume is large. The bloodstone is hard to see, and collectors are often reluctant to cut open, will appreciate the original stone; but the general texture of the larger stone in order to increase its added value, will be crafted, giving the stone a higher artistic value ."

“Paying importance to raw materials and neglecting the carving process is a lack of artistic aesthetic performance for collectors.” Yang Hua told reporters, “Whether it is jade or jade, collectors are more concerned about their investment value than artistic added value, and it is undeniable that the original stone is more easily realized. However, in recent years, blood stone carvings have also received increasing attention from the market and collectors, and collectors have also begun to change from heavy materials to materials.Blood stone materials are important, but as a high value-added art, the added value of carvings should be Its design level, process value, decorative theme and other factors, the material value is only the basis.The bloodstain of the bloodstone is very precious, so the carving is more restricted by the original stone than other types of stone carving, especially the prominent part of the blood, the principle of carving is also the maximum To preserve the blood color, it is necessary to design and conceive the layout according to the blood color distribution of the original stone, and adjust the engraving scheme at any time along the changes in the direction of the blood veins.The chicken blood cannot be cut off or cut, and the blood of the chicken must not be worn out. Rich, creative, and skillful because of the stone."

“Investing in collecting bloodstone first depends on the color of the blood, followed by texture.” Yang Hua, who has many years of collection experience, said: “Changhua bloodstone is famous for its rich blood color. The more concentrated the red, the more collectible the value is, the larger the size of the blood, and the more vivid it is. Now that one party's thumb and blood color account for 40% of the stone surface area, the market price is around RMB 10,000. We all know that the red and transparent 'Dahongpao' has the highest market value. Secondly, we must look at the quality of the stone. Quality should be clean and less impurities, feel fine, from the texture point of view, sheep fat is the most precious frozen, followed by frozen.Black and white and the blood of both 'Liu Guan Zhang', but also has a very high value for the collection. In addition to texture, it depends on whether the carving process is exquisite and ingenious."

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