In order to avoid the appearance of aesthetics, girls generally choose the underwear more carefully, so as to reduce their own embarrassment. In the hot summer, most of them will choose cool and transparent clothing, so why the underwear is more suitable for summer wear it? The following Xiaobian spring Rui vest to bring underwear, save you unnecessary trouble, but also allows you to show greater charm!

春天瑞朵 - spring Ritto

And ultimately, a woman's underwear black, because it is not only wild colors, but also show the sexy feminine colors. And this vest-style black underwear, using lace fabric, it is more elegant and elegant, ultra-gather characteristics of your chest is presented to the highest point. Safe and sexy underwear, of course, this is none other than underwear!

背心式内衣 搭配衣服最适合

Due to the diversity of summer styles, sexy clothes are particularly large, like some strapless style clothes, then if you want to be more beautiful, then it is best not to expose the shoulder strap underwear. Therefore, the choice of this word back vest-style underwear is appropriate! Not only guarantee your perfect posture at the same time let you bloom more brilliant beauty!

Picture credit: Spring Rui Du underwear

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