South red agate price and what factors

In the past two years in the collection market, the South Red Agate price can be said to be skyrocketing and climbing all the way. For this phenomenon, some people call it hype. Others think that it is the value of South Red. What are the factors affecting the price of Nanmaoma?

First, the quality of South Red Agate.

Quality is a key factor in the price of South Red. The higher the quality, the higher the price. I believe this logic is not difficult to understand. Specifically, quality includes texture, color, integrity, body mass, and so on. The texture should be delicate and delicate, the oily feeling is strong, the gum texture is better; the South Red color is the best red color, the richer and purer the color, the higher the value.

Especially persimmon red, brocade, rose red and other colors are good; integrity is the structure of the guide red agate, South red is cracked, so less red Southern red is rare, it is also more suitable for carving, higher value; the same quality Underneath, the larger the red material, the more widely used, the more rare, and the higher the price.

Second, the South Red Agate carving.

The importance of carving for Nan Hong is obvious. On the one hand, the carving work can fully display the natural beauty of Nan Hong, and on the other hand, it gives Nan Hong a humanistic connotation. It is therefore more valuable. Masterpieces, innovative and innovative Nan Hong works are more popular and more expensive.

Third, the relationship between market supply and demand.

As a commodity, Nanhong agate cannot get rid of the causal laws of market supply and demand. As a non-renewable resource, the production of Nanhong agate is limited. However, the demand for the market is gradually increasing. The material is rare and valuable. The price of Nanhong naturally rises. Many people are also optimistic about the prospect of appreciation of Nanhong, and the price is expected to be expected in the future. Will soar further.

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