The vicious cycle of the art collection market There is an unwritten rule in the antiques line, that is, to buy fakes does not return. The only way for collectors to buy fakes, hates, and urgency is to restore the loss. Like “MLM”, the next collector simply has to hunt on the gourd, and the price of the fake product will roll like a snowball. Counterfeit products keep operating silently from the moment they enter the market, and are carried around by various buyers. Money was used to issue an appraisal certificate for the counterfeit goods, and even the final sale of the auction to the counterfeit goods put on another layer of new clothes. Only some people accidentally exposed the "new emperor's dress", and no one dared to take over. This "artificial" was really out of the market. Mr. Zhang, who has been flocking to the collection industry all the year round, said, “There are so many people who have gone into the collection. The genuine goods are very poor and the fakes will of course come in to supplement the market. Although the art market is a huge profit, it is a very professional market. The outermost layer that the market and the public are isolated from must be counterfeit goods. Entering the market blindly and paying tuition fees are also inevitable. There are many examples of poor people who have become poorer and poorer because of buying counterfeits.”

However, the greatest damage to a fake is not because it is a fake, but because it is treated as a genuine product, where the value is not equal. The collection has its artistic information, has its own historical background and cultural background, and it embodies not only its unique artistic appreciation value, but also the value of its time, the value of historical precipitation. This is a modern imitation. The product can not be overstepped. Moreover, most of the current imitations are rough, and historical information is misplaced. It is easy to mislead people's aesthetic value judgments. At the same time, the modern definition of ancient "fake goods" was mainly replaced by high imitation handicrafts, and the finely-made ones are still valuable. This is the value of contemporary replicas and is completely different from the nature of counterfeits circulated on the market.

In recent years, I am afraid that mentality has become a lingering topic for Chinese people. Nowadays, the pace of change in society is so fast that it is overwhelming. This kind of shortcut that can make people rich without making any effort has attracted countless attention. Like **, countless collectors want to make a fortune through the “flood”. "Actually, many buyers do not know that in such a situation where there is no professional knowledge and there are so few genuine products, Taobao is in fact luck just as much as buying lottery tickets," Yu Songbin said with emotion. Yu Songbin is a former party committee member and expert of bronze appraisal of Henan Institute of Chemical Industry. He said that it is this deep-rooted concept of "leakage" that really hurts collectors. Nowadays people are too impulsive. They do not know how much water is scarce. They have too much confidence in their ability to discriminate and are too easy to believe in stories.

As far as the art collection is concerned, it is a professionally conceived and professional profession. Learning to collect is not a matter of overnight. It takes many years of experience and continuous improvement in self-cultivation. Behind every myth of overnight wealth is countless professional knowledge as support. In the antique collection market, there is a saying called "building a nest and attracting phoenix". It usually means that the antique shop owner puts out the paving with ordinary collections and fakes to attract interested buyers. Knowledgeable buyers identify the pros and cons and have the opportunity to start a real and real deal with their boss. Here I use it to describe a reasonable collection: to constantly accumulate collections of knowledge, to see more, to stroll around, to ask more questions, to improve our eyesight, to learn to distinguish between old and new, to understand the true value of collections, and to be profitable in the rise and fall of collections. In order to attract "Feng".

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