First take a Dominican blue lop to see, the package is a bit more, zoom in and beautiful ~

Dangdang! The protagonist played! Yes, it is it, it is it!


Nature is always so magical, everyone should love our Mother Earth!

After zooming in, you will find that it is composed of many small bubbles, is it amazing!

Next, zoom in on the beeswax, yes, this guy.


After zooming in, I found that they are also small bubbles!

The density of Lanpo is a little bigger, the bubbles are not very obvious, but the beeswax can clearly see the small bubbles. Later, I checked the information. After the beeswax is magnified 100 times, I see a dense small bubble composition, like the stars in the sky. Similarly, this is also a way to identify beeswax. After the old beeswax is enlarged, you can clearly see the weathering lines left by the time. Want to know what your beeswax looks like after zooming in? Zoom in and see for yourself~

PVC Film

PVC Film,PVC Lamination Film,PVC Decorative Film,PVC Protective Film