Near 51, the shop to join the boom is also overwhelming promotion generally swept in this army, of course, can not be less charming LA B & W black and white women figure, the Ezhou store soon and recently opened, Lanzhou shop success Sign up, let us together wish the opening of the new store, booming, extra cash.

Black and white attention to detail, emphasizing the design concept, pay attention to the product mix, from a single women's brand , and gradually into a comprehensive range of apparel, household products similar to similar grades, to create a concept of life space, to show you not only products but also shopping When the experience and the new era of lifestyles.

恭贺LA B&W黑与白鄂州店即将开业 兰州店成功签约

Resale from the first to a number of key cities across the country and the mainstream shopping malls set up counters and stores, black and white through the market precipitation, the introduction of the joint venture cooperation model, the partners can really make no risk, but can make Terminal goods are guaranteed for the brand's long-term development has laid a good foundation.

Textile Cloth

Changxing Xinyang Textile Co., Ltd. ,