
Are you in the flood of entrepreneurship? Don't you know how to balance entrepreneurship and life?

For a leader, ensuring that his team is healthy, competent, and able to actively participate in the realization of corporate goals and to help companies maintain top productivity is a top priority. To do this, it is necessary to create a strong working guideline - provided that it does not take up too much personal time. The American business media "Entrepreneur" believes that a smart startup company leader can try to help himself and his team to achieve a balance between work and life through the following six secrets.

1. Set an example

After seeing the manager work 80 hours a week, the staff also feel that they should also work 80 hours a week. Leaders, like any team member, also need time to recharge themselves and enjoy private time.

Although busy managers often cannot work at night or even sacrifice their vacation and vacation time, they must keep in mind that their behavior sets the tone for their employees.

2. Do not reward workaholics

For a leader who wants to encourage employees to work and live without mistakes, rewarding team members who often work late in the company, take work home, or work overtime at the company over the weekend is not a wise move. If management is considered to be a positive workaholic work attitude, then this work attitude will become the company's “normal”.

The result will be that the balance between work and life will suffer. Although certain projects require overtime work to be completed, arrangements for overtime and after-hours weekends should not be considered “normal” and should not be rewarded.

3. Encourage vacation

Companies should pay for their employees, let them have a happy holiday, relax themselves wholeheartedly, pursue pleasure beyond work, and communicate with family and friends. A leader who is proud to have “had never had Bob’s leave since 2013” ​​may not realize that Bob’s performance has not been as good as a day.

Good leaders should encourage employees to take vacations and resolutely implement the country's statutory holidays. In addition, managers should respect employees who are on vacation and do not contact them unless they encounter exceptional circumstances. Without contact, the team members can fully relax and eventually return to work with full enthusiasm.

4. Build work - a fusion of life

Successful business leaders should know that there is a gray area in the work-life balance module. According to a poll, 42% of U.S. full-time employees actively believe that companies can use technology outside work hours to make it easier for them to complete their work.

Especially the "millennials" don't mind replying an email in the evening or on the weekend. The key is that companies need to include this kind of work in their overall performance, and at the same time try to understand what makes employees energetic and what makes them exhausted. If employees are willing to respond to e-mails when they should be turned off, reward them with benefits that may make them feel more excited.

5. Adopt technology that can save time

Technology - computers, tablets, and smart phones - not only strengthens the connection between each employee and the work, but also helps to achieve both work and life. Corporate executives can help their teams become more combative, while also respecting employees' private time: they can do this by researching and implementing applications and software solutions to help employees complete their work more efficiently. .

In short, technology is an indispensable factor in helping employees achieve work-life balance.

6. Provide workplace flexibility

Many employees want the flexibility of the workplace. The 2015 workplace flexibility survey shows that of the HR leaders surveyed, 87% believe that workplace flexibility programs will increase employee satisfaction.

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